Exceptional. made aTTAINABLE.

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POINT ONE is Ottawa’s premier personal training only gym. We offer private one-on-one and small group training that departs from conventional industry gimmicks - delivering results faster and with greater consistency.

We do NOT offer general memberships and never will.


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Answer 30 rapid-fire questions and get a personalized report that outlines specific actions you can take to get the results you’re after.



w h a t w e d o.

intelligent training. impeccable approach.

An airplane takes off because of design - not desire. The pilot doesn’t need to have a “positive mindset”, visualize the destination or overcome his limiting beliefs.

When the design is right, results happen consistently. The same is true for personal training.

POINT ONE is a system designed to produce striking results, time after time. Created for those who want more than amateur, run-of-the-mill personal training, we are the source for those who understand that their health and fitness is their greatest asset.


h o w w e d o i t.

the opposite of ordinary.

Today, despite exercising more often and dieting more rigidly, the vast majority fail to see progress worthy of their efforts.

Our service combines meticulously crafted, bespoke training with what we call the POINT ONE ARCHITECTURE. We’ve leveraged the world’s best health and fitness experts to create this one of a kind system. This architecture encompasses our proprietary out-of-the-gym nutrition and lifestyle strategies critical to delivering consistent forward progress.


our philosophy.

not just at the cutting edge: we're the one's sharpening it.  

In today’s modern world, peak health and fitness is an unfair advantage. We embrace the responsibility we’re given and seek to deliver the greatest ROI for our clientele.

The average personal trainer is certified over a weekend course and uses the profession as a stop-gap before moving on elsewhere. They give little responsibility or care for your most precious assets.

At POINT ONE, we’ve devoted ourselves to delivering something special. No stone is left unturned. However, we also believe that training and everything else that comes along with it should be a part of your life - not consume it. Our service is designed to deliver without committing inordinate amounts of time, dieting restrictively, or engaging in the unsustainable.




If you’re serious about getting in the best shape of your life, let’s talk.

We’ll discuss exactly what you’d like to accomplish, see if it makes sense, and help you understand the next best steps.


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