The At Home Bulletproof Knees Program

This program is designed to build healthy and strong knees with zero equipment. Provided with each exercise are regressions designed to help you match your level.

The key with this program is to work through a range and level that is pain-free and to use a level of support so you can complete all the reps.

Start with one exercise and move to the next once you’ve completed all the reps. Go at your own pace taking as much rest as you need between sets. All four exercises = 1 set. Perform 1-3 sets total.

This workout can be done daily or as often as you like - zero pressure.

Exercise 1: The Poliquin Step Up/ Pulse

Complete 50-100 reps per leg.

Regress this exercise by lowering the height of what you stand on, shortening the range of motion and/or using assistance with the hands. If this is especially painful, the final regression is to do this with 2 feet.

Exercise 2: Wall Tibialis Anterior Raise

Perform 20 reps with a 2 second pause at the top of each rep.

If 20 reps is not difficult, take your feet further out from the wall.

Exercise 3: The Split Squat Pulse

Collect 50 reps per leg - this does not need to be done in one set. Again work in a pain free range of motion. And elevate your heel in order to reach full knee flexion. Regress this by elevating the foot and/or using hand assistance.

Exercise 4: The Standing Pancake Stretch

Collect 30-60 seconds. Use support if you need it. Use your elbows as a bench mark for progression.