A Rare Look Into The Off-Season Training of Erik Karlsson

Hockey players can’t get away with being one-dimensional. Every position on the ice demands total-body strength, explosiveness, and endurance.

The typical off-season for an NHL player lasts just 12 weeks. If you take in account much needed vacations, wedding to attend and other off-ice commitments, their off-season is even shorter. Offseason training for any NHL player needs to get the job done and get it done quickly.

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The Forgotten Fundamental of Muscle Building

Bodybuilding is a sport that very few can describe as "fun". Grueling workouts executed with excessive frequency, incredibly restrictive diets, and at the top levels, copious drug use are the norm within bodybuilding. While being the next Ronnie Coleman may not be one of your goals, the vast majority of us want to look better naked (ain't no shame in admitting that!). Let's discuss one thing we can steal from bodybuilders to help reach that goal.

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