


We all have 24 hours in a day. Our goal is to make achieving and keeping your results a sustainable process. The vast majority of our trainees workout 3 times per week, for a total of 3 hours. Are you a professional athlete or do you have lofty goals? Then you may need a 4th training session or extra time. However, we don't believe fitness (or our program) should consume your life. If you’re unable to commit to that minimum on a consistent basis, then we clearly don't share the same values.


To get results, you'll to have to push beyond what's comfortable. You will sweat. You will be sore. There will be days where you'll want to take it easy. Our service is designed to challenge you in a safe and effective manner. It’ll be worth every ounce of effort. If working hard and pushing outside your comfort zone is something you crave; you've come to the right place. Lean into and embrace the discomfort that is necessary for growth.


We're less interested in working with only the uber-fit than we are in working with the passionate and motivated. We welcome those at any fitness level. Our training is perfect for pure beginners willing to invest in themselves. Beginners will build a solid foundation, saving themselves time and effort in the long run. Those with training experience will reach goals previously missed while cleaning up fundamentals.


We do our best work when we can deliver a remarkable result to our clientele. This requires clear and distinct goal or goals. This is what separates exercise from training. Training with us is an investment – you’ll see no value in it if there isn’t something grand you’d like to accomplish.


Goals provide direction. Systems are necessary to realize goals. The secret sauce to what we do is the POINT ONE ARCHITECTURE. Our proprietary methodology allows those who follow it to get results, consistently. Required is an open mind and willingness to learn these strategies and the why behind them. The architecture covers proven methods to optimizing everything from nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle. Developed over decades through trial and error and consultation with top experts, the architecture delivers over and over again. If you believe you know it all or if you seek outside help in these areas, frankly you'll be wasting your time.