A Simple Solution For Digestive Issues


Over $18,000. That's what I spent on extensive testing, supplements and consultations to fix my digestive issues.

After all of testing, protocols, and diets not a single thing changed.

Bloating. Indigestion. Food intolerances. Heartburn. And all the embarrassing stories that go with it. I still dealt with it.

For 4 years, those problems dominated my life.

The modern paradigm has fundamental problem: digestive issues are often viewed as a nutrient deficiency. Supplements and specific foods are thrown at these problems.

This current line of thinking could never detect the root cause of the vast majority of digestive issues: circadian arrhythmia. In plain English: the majority of digestive issues arise when your internal clocks are out of sync. Timing within your body is critical and overlooked. The cells in your digestive system replace themselves every 48-72hrs. Any minor insult should be quickly cleared away - but instead, digestion has become a chronic problem for many.

There's no supplement you can take to fix your internal rhythms. Specific foods can support it or throw your clocks off.

The solution doesn’t cost a cent. It involves a deeper understanding of how timing and your environment impact your health. For years now, I've been helping people optimize their digestion - because it’s absolutely critical for peak performance.

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