Limit Your Exposure To Blue Light To Accelerate Fat Loss And Training Results
After working with nearly 1000 different people over the last decade, we’ve learned something profound that no one in fitness is talking about. You may get your training and diet may be perfect, yet still fail to see results.
An area that’s a huge blindspot in the health and fitness world is how your light environment impacts your hormones and results.
Over the past 15-20 years, screens have become ubiquitous and their use is now woven into our daily lives. You’re obviously looking into a screen now. And unless you’ve taken certain measures, that screen is emitting blue light that impacts your hormones.
Blue light is designed to make you feel awake and alert. Morning sun has the most blue light - that how nature was designed to wake you up every day. What happens when you chronically tell your brain and body its 7am? Exactly what’s described above.
The solution is simple. Completely eliminate all screens from your life. Just kidding. In this day and age, realistically, that’s completely impossible.
A more sustainable strategy? Invest in blue light blocking glasses, especially if you work in front of a screen. I personally use a brand called BlueTech. They look like normal glasses. For your computer, I highly, highly suggest you download an app called Iris. You can find it here:
Lastly, at night, the more you can limit screens after sundown, the better you will sleep and faster your results will come.