Learning From Your Failures


In life, you learn more from your failures than you do your wins.

Quick, easy wins often lead to overconfidence and bad habits that perpetuate themselves over and over.

The personal training industry exemplifies this. There’s no shortage of trainers who hired a coach for a single competition, starved themselves in the process, stepped on stage and went home with a $5 medal. Two weeks later: they’ve become physique transformation experts.

The following is a true story. About 6 years ago, I worked with two women, both in their mid-fifties. Both had similar goals, like most people I worked with, they wanted to get into amazing shape.

Both picked up the nutrition principles we teach quickly. They adhered to them without wavering. Training for both was consistent and intense.

The difference between the two? This first lady struggled. She lost barely any body fat, struggled to get stronger and to put it bluntly - wasted her time and money.

The second? Take a look:


Personal Training is much more than Diet and Exercise

In the current fitness paradigm, these drastic differences don’t make any sense. Results come down to diet and exercise. I’m telling you: nothing could be further from the truth.

If you want to be Successful, you need to see Patterns and Trends other People Miss.

What was the difference?

The first, unsuccessful trainee, like many of us, had a demanding job. Up early, finishing late, she worked in front of a computer and never had a chance to even take a break outside. Coming home late, she’d whip up a healthy dinner, but would eat late. To “de-stress” she’d finish the evening by watching the news. Without surprise, she’d have difficulty falling asleep and whatever sleep she did get, was broken. Instead of taking time for herself, weekends were filled with mindless tasks that she took control over - instead of delegating to other family members. She’d go on to seek professional help for menopausal symptoms - in her own words, they’d become unbearable. All this, despite having a perfect diet and smart exercise.

The second trainee dedicated each morning to walking her dog. Her hobbies consisted of various activities outside. She rarely watched TV. Her bedtime routine involved either reading a good book or listening to the radio. In her own words: “I’m the best sleeper ever”. She consistently woke up refreshed and recharged. Especially in the summer, she loved heading up to the cottage and spending extended weekends there. She once told me: “All my friends are talking about how bad menopause is, and to be honest, I have no clue what they’re talking about.”

Does this sound familiar? The second lady, who was stronger than most men, followed our CIRCADIAN RESET, before we even fully standardized it.

At POINT ONE, we’re incredibly motivated to get our clientele exceptional results. Looking back on this, we’re able to see the former blindspot in our knowledge.

If you’ve stalled in your fitness results, read the article above. In the last 10 years, our environment has changed drastically. Today, maintaining a finely tuned circadian rhythm has become a rarity.

Once you’ve fixed this, results come easily and consistently.